Monday, December 15, 2008

Assignment 13b

* The linked courses have been beneficial to me because the fact that Digital Photography and Storytelling was linked to Popular Culture gave me a big insight on what Popular Culture is about. I am more into Technology, Science, Math, etc. and having this class of Popular Culture gave me resources and some knowledge I did not have before. If this class has not been linked to Storytelling it is probably I would not schedule it unless I had to. It was very interesting learn about all those popular culture themes and the best part it was that we could create a digital storytelling with any of those themes.
* Yes, they were helpful but because last semester I took Digital Video in Education
some of the assignments and material covered was already presented last semester to me. In spite of this, I think that with technology we never can say that we know everything about it because they are always new things to learn. The assignments were worthwhile because they gave us the opportunity to practice what we learned in class and help us to learn the technology skills we need.
* Yes, the storytelling assignments supported my popular culture learning. When I had to write my script and developed my story board I had to use the popular culture I had for my designated theme of fashion. I had to base my script on the information about fashion I had. I would like to say that for my final project I had to modify my script to make it doable because at first it was very broad and complex.
* Yes, the linked course pairing was helpful on connecting technical skills to content area knowledge. For example the videos, images, information,etc. that we used for the presentation were easy to obtain after learning the way to do it in Photography Storytelling. Also all those sites and free software that we learn about were helpful and will continue being usable in the future.
* Yes, I would recommend this pair of linked coursed to other students but personally I would rather no to take another linked course unless I work at a different school. I usually have tons of thing to do for school during and after school. In this case I will be interested on taking linked courses so I can give my best to both classes.
* No, I liked the way it was this semester but I would recommend a little bit of less comments assignments, between the two linked classes there was always a lot of things to do, think, and be worried about.
* As I said before I liked going to U of H for both classes the same day and back to back. The option that is being considered will make more difficult for students because it will take more time on taking one class face to face (traveling to U of H) and then the other on line, plus the assignments for both. Leave the way it is or make both on line.
* It was an excellent linked courses. I wish that I have had more time to dedicate to both classes but school work takes a lot of my time.

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