Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Assignment 11b

The software program that I used to create my final semester project are:
Photo Story 3 for Windows
Microsoft Office Word 2003
Microsoft Office Excell 2003
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0
Windows Media Player

Monday, December 15, 2008

Assignment 13b

* The linked courses have been beneficial to me because the fact that Digital Photography and Storytelling was linked to Popular Culture gave me a big insight on what Popular Culture is about. I am more into Technology, Science, Math, etc. and having this class of Popular Culture gave me resources and some knowledge I did not have before. If this class has not been linked to Storytelling it is probably I would not schedule it unless I had to. It was very interesting learn about all those popular culture themes and the best part it was that we could create a digital storytelling with any of those themes.
* Yes, they were helpful but because last semester I took Digital Video in Education
some of the assignments and material covered was already presented last semester to me. In spite of this, I think that with technology we never can say that we know everything about it because they are always new things to learn. The assignments were worthwhile because they gave us the opportunity to practice what we learned in class and help us to learn the technology skills we need.
* Yes, the storytelling assignments supported my popular culture learning. When I had to write my script and developed my story board I had to use the popular culture I had for my designated theme of fashion. I had to base my script on the information about fashion I had. I would like to say that for my final project I had to modify my script to make it doable because at first it was very broad and complex.
* Yes, the linked course pairing was helpful on connecting technical skills to content area knowledge. For example the videos, images, information,etc. that we used for the presentation were easy to obtain after learning the way to do it in Photography Storytelling. Also all those sites and free software that we learn about were helpful and will continue being usable in the future.
* Yes, I would recommend this pair of linked coursed to other students but personally I would rather no to take another linked course unless I work at a different school. I usually have tons of thing to do for school during and after school. In this case I will be interested on taking linked courses so I can give my best to both classes.
* No, I liked the way it was this semester but I would recommend a little bit of less comments assignments, between the two linked classes there was always a lot of things to do, think, and be worried about.
* As I said before I liked going to U of H for both classes the same day and back to back. The option that is being considered will make more difficult for students because it will take more time on taking one class face to face (traveling to U of H) and then the other on line, plus the assignments for both. Leave the way it is or make both on line.
* It was an excellent linked courses. I wish that I have had more time to dedicate to both classes but school work takes a lot of my time.

Assignment 13a

I think that this article is right on target because at the beginning it explains the purpose of the article. It explains clearly that the problem is that the percentage of enrollement in the IT master degree program has dropped substancially in the last 3 or 4 years; it also discuss about the possible causes of this problem that IT faculty members have investigated. This article also ennumerates the solutions that are being implemented at U of H to solve the problem: the linked courses.
In my opinion the title does not have a big connection with the content because in the article besides mentioning storytelling and content area instruction, the content area are denominated as linked courses through the article. I would add maybe a subtitle that has "Linked courses" in it.
The article explains really good the content of each of the classes involved as linked courses. I would say that the Historical Development of Children's Literature needs a little bit of more information, or maybe it is just that it is a new adding to the linked courses and it needs to develop more.
The last idea about: Where Do We Go From Here? I like the way Digital Photography and Storytelling linked with Popular Culture developed this semester. The idea of having Digital Photography on line it is not very appealing for me if I have to come to U of H for a 2 hours class and then return home and work on line for the other class. Either have both on line or leave them the way they are.
By the way, this semester for me was hard because I had to take two classes instead of one as I usually do it. Assignments from two classes and work at school was kind of a very busy time for me. Well, it looks like I survived.
Overall the article is good and right to the point on justifying the need of linked courses.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Assignment 12b

I have not completed my final project yet, but I can discuss the process on creating a DVD that I used for my midterm project, and for some of the videos that I am preparing to use for my Pop Culture presentation.
I used Premier Elements 4.0 because besides using pictures I added video segments to my project. For my midterm project I have to unlink video and sound, so I can delete the video audio and add Engines of Ingenuity original sound file.
This Adobe software gives several options to share a created project and one of them is to burn a DVD. The hardware I used was the DVD burner in my laptop. The rendering of the file took a while because of the file size, but the DVD plays perfect on my computer or my DVD player.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Assignment 9 Mix audio files

Here is the url to my audio file:

Download assignment 9 Ltorres.mp3

I used Goldwave to mix my files. First I downloaded Goldwave and a file that contains a speech of president Kennedy and the civil rights. For the background music I used American Anthem song that I have in my music files. I imported both files to Goldwave and trimmed the speech sound to around 1 minute since it was 9 minutes long. Also I have to increase the volume in a short area of this file, followed directions given to mix two files and reduced the music volume so it will not overpowered the speech. The site where we uploaded the file gives several options to post it to our blog, I chose the url to download it and the embedded audio player.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Assignment 6a

I would like to use the episode number 1589 Pluto: We finally reach the outer fringe of the Solar System for my midterm project. I liked this topic because I believe I can find enough picture to illustrate what is discussed in the episode and also I think will be interesting to create a photostory that shows history about planets discovery.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Assignment 5

For my assignment 5 I decided to create a photostory using pictures that I took and cropped from a book. I read the pages with text and added background music. The narration/reading of the book is not very good because I used a cheap microphone. I plan to get a better microphone and redo the photostory to use it with my kindergardeners during reading class. Also I had some technical problems on making my computer able to detect my microphone.