Sunday, October 19, 2008

Assignment 6a

I would like to use the episode number 1589 Pluto: We finally reach the outer fringe of the Solar System for my midterm project. I liked this topic because I believe I can find enough picture to illustrate what is discussed in the episode and also I think will be interesting to create a photostory that shows history about planets discovery.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Assignment 5

For my assignment 5 I decided to create a photostory using pictures that I took and cropped from a book. I read the pages with text and added background music. The narration/reading of the book is not very good because I used a cheap microphone. I plan to get a better microphone and redo the photostory to use it with my kindergardeners during reading class. Also I had some technical problems on making my computer able to detect my microphone.